Thursday, January 26, 2006

*sigh* another minor set-back

On January 10th, I ordered, from Apple, two software packages called iLife and iWork. For some reason they were sent from different parts of the continent using two different couriers.

iWork was sent from the U.S. through Purolator. It arrived on January 18th, which I considered to be reasonable since I picked the slower delivery service and the amount of time included a weekend and a national holiday (MLK Jr. Day)

iLife was sent from within Canada using a company called "Same Day Right-O-Way". The website claimed that the "Expected Date of Arrival" was Jan. 24/06 (Tuesday).

On Tuesday, no package. I call, they inform me that the website is misleading and it will for sure be in on Wednesday.

Wednesday, no package. I don't bother calling.

Thursday, still no package. This time I call to complain. The people at Same Day' tell me that they're going to talk to their agent and give me a call back, I give them my home number.

I get a phone call later on from Same Day' and they inform me that they can deliver the package before 8:00. The problem is that the package is addressed for my work. I figure I need to study tonight anyway so I tell them to deliver it on Friday.

I guess I'm not really that upset anymore.

Thus ends another boring, inconsequential event in the life of TU.

2 Comment:

At 6:19 AM, Blogger shroomAzoom said...

I just noticed that you were giving out points. Can I have some points for being a Mac person or is there some other way to earn them?

At 12:25 PM, Blogger TU said...

That will do :)


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