Friday, February 17, 2006

Hurray for Reading Week?

Once a joyous week-long holiday whose humble beginnings came from an attempt to get students to stop committing suicide, now just a break from classes where you need to study twice as hard.

I am not ungrateful. Overall, I'm glad that there is a week away from classes. I wish there was one in each semister. But in two weeks upon returning to school, I have 3 midterms (including one on the day I get back) and 3 major assignments due. And with that week break I really have two choices: Work or get the hell out of town. So I'm doing both. I'm working Monday and Tuesday, then from Wednesday through Friday I'm making a road trip with my "Boyz" (notice the 's' in 'Boys' has been switched to a 'z' implying in someway that we are cooler or "more extreme" than your every-day group of men) to Minnesota with the Mall of America being one of our destinations.

With all the exams and assignments due, it's almost as if the professors aren't in communication with each other about who's assigning what, when, and each prof' concluded that "Hey, with my students having a week off, they could fit in a few hours of (enter subject) and write an exam/assignment soon after they get back!"

But of course that doesn't happen because that would just be crazy! :)

2 Comment:

At 12:25 PM, Blogger shroomAzoom said...

You're just going down to drool at the Apple Store, aren't you?

At 1:15 PM, Blogger TU said...



I'm looking at the workshops that they are putting on that week and it looks like I'll narrowly miss a workshop on iWeb. Darn!


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