Thursday, February 09, 2006

What's the rationale behind this?

So I got my Finance II Midterm back, worth 15% of the course, and I scored a 31%.

I felt all right coming out of the exam because it seemed like the majority of people I talked to didn't even touch the last question (worth 22.7% of the exam), just like me, so I was sure the midterm would be bell curved. All three class averages were around 41% (Link)

So what? Does my prof. really believe that the average student in Finance II doens't know half of what is going on? In my experience, math-heavy exams in University usually have a class average of around 60%, and class high is in the upper 90's. Does he really believe that there was nothing wrong with this exam?

Anyway, it's still early and he may change his mind. I'll keep you updated.

On the bright side, on my Operational Behaviour Midterm, which is worth 30% of the course, I scored an 80%.

3 Comment:

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Erica said...

I guess your CA friend wasn't much help, eh?

Sorry to hear that... Perhaps diversification of your time over all the exam questions was the better strategy.

Anyway, I hope he reconsiders.

At 5:52 AM, Blogger TU said...

...and thank you for that.

Diversification lesson, eh?

Prof: "You see class, I also wanted to teach you a lesson on this exam that you need to diversify, not only when considering investments, but in all of life!"

Random Student: "Ohhhhhh. But seriously, I need to average a 70% to get into 3rd year."

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck I hate finance. I'm working on the third assingment and what the fuck is going on?? I can't answer a single question on it, and I've read the chapter twice! I know finance is the weedout class, but seriously, finance isn't my major why make this class so hard? BTW I got an even 50% on the midterm. Still, I am getting dominated by this assignment.

I went online to find some answers, but I found this site, so I gave my 2 cents.

Good luck in passing this shit course. Luckily my average is high enough that I only need to pass this class to have my 70 average. Still, it will be a challenge.


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