Monday, November 28, 2005

And... I'm spent

First off, thanks to everyone for making my birthday so nice. It was really quite overwhelming.

I'm done. I know I have another two and a half weeks, but I was done last week.

I feel like I've just run out of gas two weeks short of Final exams. (So three and a half weeks short in total, if you're keeping track)

The only thing keeping me going is stress. The stress of deadlines.

I really wish that, like the Winter semister, there was a week off during the Fall Semister where there was no extra information being learned. Just a week where I don't have to try and pack more information into my brain. Even a week where instead of learning new things, classes were just dedicated to completing assignments and/or studying.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll suck it up and trudge through and get a good overall grade. Because I'll hate myself if I don't do this.

Now my quandary: During my Christmas break, do I begin studying so I don't get stressed out by being behind and am actually kept encouraged by staying ahead, or do I totally lay back and do absolutely nothing?

5 Comment:

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Erica said...

I remember that feeling...

And every Christmas I promised myself I'd read ahead and get on top of things before the next semester - I never did and ended up feeling guilty - not helpful. I never "gave" myself a break, even though I took it. In the end, it would have been better if I had decided at the beginning that I wasn't going to work over the break - then I could have truly enjoyed it.

There is a time for rest. Even God rested on the 7th day. You have to decide what is best for you, but whether you take the entire time off, or decide to work part of the time, I would recommend that you pick an amount of time that you give yourself off - and don't feel guilty about it. You are preparing yourself to go back. Think of it as part of the educational process... time to let everything sink in before adding more information.

Good luck!

Happy Birthday!

At 7:00 AM, Blogger Eric said...

Yeah, what she said.

If you are spent now, and you don't take a break to recharge (in what ever way it takes you to recharge) then you will just start the next term spent. Take some time, play some street hockey, trade some card, shop on ebay, or whatever you do to recharge before tackling more work.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger reppepper said...

Hmm. Even God rested.

Rest one out of every 7 days of your break. During the rest of the time create something that you know is going to rebel against you and get totally screwed up.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Erica said...

Actually, we had this discussion last night - about taking time for yourself. I think part of the problem is seeing it as time for yourself. That has a selfish tone to it... Really, you are taking time to be more effective and ready to serve others. If you look at it that way, it gives it a different connotation.

This clicked in one day after I had my babies. I was grumpy and frusterated, trying to get work done around the house and at the office - I was not a happy or pleasant person to be around... Then I realized that I wasn't hurting myself - I was hurting those around me... I changed my opinion of what "taking time for yourself" was really about.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Erica said...

to reppepper:

Even God makes mistakes?


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