Monday, May 16, 2005

Oh, to be Lonely

Wow, has it really been a whole week since I last blogged? Well then, I guess it's time to get back on the wagon or get off the wagon... Which ever one is the good one.

This past weekend was kind of tough, or rough, take your pick. I've been letting my angry issues get the better of me and I've been quite crabby and antisocial, or atleast my desire has been to be crabby and antisocial, I hope I faked it well. Talking with most people has become a chore and meeting obligations has become tiresome and something I really resent. I just really wanted to push people away this weekend.

All weekend I felt miserable because I wanted to be left alone and all weekend I felt guilty because I wanted to be left alone.

I'm actually happy that weekend is over. Finally! I get to go back to work, where I get to listen to all the CBC Radio I want. I get to escape reality while working out at the gym and then I get to be creative at my Computer Art class. And then I can go home, make some supper and watch behemoth men in tights pummel each other during wrestling. Alone.

"Alone!!!" *shakes fist at computer screen*

2 Comment:

At 2:10 PM, Blogger TU said...

In the words of Homer Simpson: "You got it old, wise, mountain ape."

At 9:55 PM, Blogger Eric said...

Sometimes the best time for me to get for this is after everyone else goes to sleep. Those are some of my most contented and most productive times. Unfortunately I have to get early the next morning.

I book you might want to check out is "Feeling Good" a horrible title for the book, but a bunch of different shrinks have suggested it to help people understand mood better and even control it.

Sometimes though we just need alone.


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