"Houston, we have a baby."
Yesterday morning the phone rang as I was getting ready for work. The caller ID said it was the Bailey House. I picked up, "Erin's in the hospital" my mom said. Her water broke a bit before 6:00 AM. I headed to work thinking I'd get to meet my nephew or neice hopefully that night but it might be an all-nighter into the early hours of the next day. If that was the case, if Erin had any consideration she'd hold it until a more respectable hour.
Since my office is right beside the Hospital I thought I'd walk up there on my lunch and see her. I walked in the "Delivery" doors and ran into Erica , Erica asked me "Do you want to see the baby?" "Like an ultrasound?" I thought to myself. Erin had already had the baby under an hour ago.
Eventually Erica snuck me past the nurse secruity force and I got in to see the new mother and her baby. It was a boy. But Erin is continuing to look at the baby and wonder "what do you look like?" She's throwing around a few names.
He was 8 lbs., 3 oz. which seems pretty big for a girl who was maybe 100 lbs. before being pregnant.