Saturday, October 22, 2005

My battle against being melodramatic

Today I went to visit the "Ulrich/Bailey commun". I was visiting Erin and baby Kristian along with my mom. Erin mentioned that Kristian was going to have his hearing test pretty soon. She told us that the other day she was crumpling a chip bag near his head and it got his attention, hence his hearing must be fine. Mom said she was releaved because she was worried about whether or not he could hear. She started talking about some boy at the hospital in Dauphin (Manitoba) who was deaf and attempting to communicate with him and then she started bawling. All I could think to say was: "Mom, get your shit together!"

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Spooning Dream

Somebody explain this to me.

Yesterday, Ryan (my roommate) and I were in the kitchen complaining about the shortage of bowls and shortage of small spoons. I found a couple of bowls in the fridge containing left overs, but we were down to about 3 small spoons. I'm sure we had a lot more than that! Ryan wondered if they had been stolen out of the house.

Anyway, last night I dreamed about making oatmeal in the kitchen. I pulled open the silverware drawer to get a small spoon and there were none in the small spoons spot. I pulled the drawer open more and found above the individual untensil spots another area for putting utensils. And in that part I found some small spoons. I took them out and put them in the small spoons spot.

This morning I was making my usual Maple & Brown Sugar Oatmeal. I opened the drawer, there were small spoons but not very many. I opened the drawer some more and in a slot about the utensils were three small spoons! I didn't even know there was an area for holding utensils above the individual spots, I just did it because of what happened in my dream!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Busy B Student (Hopefully)

Sorry I haven’t updated this blog in a while. It’s not like there isn’t anything going on, I’m just so busy all the time. I got school work, work work, yoga, hockey, I’ve been picking up the odd graphic design contract job. I just seem to have no time. I’m doing things like taking my organizer to the bathroom with me so I can sit down and schedule my day while. “Hmmmm, I’ll eat at 5:00, do Accounting from 5:30-7:00, take another poo sometime after 7:00…” And then you run into friends who say "Hey! We need to hook up some time!" And I'm like "Totally!" when I'm really thinking, there's no way in hell you are going to work your way into my schedule. I feel bad until I think about all the studying I have to do.

There’s so much work this year and I’m betting it only gets harder. And it’s not like things are all that tough! Work is pretty easy, I feel like I’m smart enough to understand any of my courses, it’s just that it’s so hard to find the time to dedicate to them all! As soon as I try to excel in one subject, others fall behind and when I go to catch up in that one, they all suffer.

So here’s two options that I want God to grant me:

Option A: A magic stop watch.
This stop watch would be able stop time (as the name suggests) and with it I would be able to get in everything I want in a day. I would promise not to use it for evil, but only to give me more time for studying.

Option B: Infinate energy
I would never need sleep giving me a full 24 hours with which to accomplish all my tasks. I would never feel drowsey.