You suck,!
In case you've checked out my website recently, you'll notice now that there is a gaudy advertisement for, which claims that I am getting hosting on that site for free. This is not true. What is actually going on is they have an "upgraded" (more expensive) version of their service where I don't have this ad on my website. Anyway, why would they do this to a customer? Especially such an ugly add that they've put up? It's just poor marketing!
Hey! Here's an idea: How about offering a great service, say, a website that doesn't have ugly adds on it, so that I'll go around recommending your service to others. Instead, the marketing strategy that you've taken is to put your ugly add on a website that has extremely low traffic. Therefore, you get a disatisfied customer and little to none of your market reached through advertising. You will get more new customers if you have people like me giving you good word-of-mouth advertisment than the very few people who actually look at my website and aren't turned off by the ugly ad you left at the top of my website.
By the way,, I get more traffic on this blog than I do on the site you host.